
Subject: Re: Brisky
Posted by Bourbon on August 04, 2000 at 00:55:18 from

In Reply to: Brisky posted by Kim L on August 03, 2000 at 13:42:45:

everyone had very valid points, when are you leaving? what will you do if only a couple like the Briskys? I would highly suggest as john said to portion it out, if you are using the leadbeaters, then use the ice cube trays, i cube is eqivilent to 2 tablespoons.. and get the little snack bags for the fruits and veggies.. this is really not the time to try to switch foods on them, the diet switch may be stressful in itself, then with you being gone, that will add even more, the other person feeding them ..etc.. if only a couple of them eat the briskys, you will still have the others on your regular diet (I would hope), so (the chances are high they all will not like it..) since you will still have those that won't eat it.. you may as well stay with their regular diet.. PLEASE above all don't withhold food from them for several days to make them eat it as is suggested by briskys..

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