Subject: Re: Glider Getaway
Posted by EllenR on August 05, 2000 at 14:19:32 from
In Reply to: Glider Getaway posted by Maria on July 31, 2000 at 12:03:43:
Late in replying about the get away. Guys it was tooooo much fun. Not only did we learn alot about gliders, but about oursleves and how we are with our gliders. The people were so great. I loved meeting everyone. There really is a MS SHELL....She is wonderful And Betsy and Pennie were great. Bourbon out did herself with her talk. Can't wait for the Video. The Singer was well.... TOO GOOD> I got to dance with him and I can't sing but I did with him. (My husband watched so I had to be good) Hope you all can come next year. It is really worth it.
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