
Subject: to Ms. Shell...stork delivery.
Posted by Virginia on August 09, 2000 at 12:22:25 from

In Reply to: Re: Sugar Glider Getaway posted by Ms. Shell on August 07, 2000 at 22:02:23:

: Virginia, I feel a little outta the loop by asking, but have you had a stork delivery yet? :)

well Ms. Shell...not yet...UGH! anyday now. We were making some progress...last friday I was having some regular contractions and make it to 3 cm and then the baby decided that was enough for one day! LOL! Anyway, she's in position to whenever she decides she is ready she will enter the world! And I'll be able to stop waddling when i walk..LOL! We bought a digital camera so we are going to be emailing our family/friends asap after she is born...I'll make sure you are on the email list :)
thanks for asking!!!

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