Subject: Re: Pom-pom
Posted by Catriona on August 10, 2000 at 14:29:51 from
In Reply to: Re: Pom-pom posted by Kerry on August 06, 2000 at 09:29:56:
: Okay, now I'm confused. If the testes are indeed internal how does the "tie off" method work ... (it's been discussed on this board) Anyway, the link below should clear things up a little. It is not the broad overview anatomy pic I was looking for, this one is a little more specific to the parts we're discussing .. LOL! Well I am new to gliders, but I work as a registered vet tech. We neutered my male and another techs two males yesterday, so here is a crash coarse in sugar glider sexual anatomy 101 ;>. The males do have a scent gland on the top of the head and another on the chest that looks like a thickened patch of bald skin. On the belly there is the scrotum. This is a fuzzy pouch that is suspended by a piece of skin that attaches the scrotum to the body wall. Inside this fuzzy pocket are the two testicals. The male can let the testicals hang down when it is warm or suck them up close to the body when it is cold. Some animals can actually draw the testicals inside the body, if they want to (Ex. rats and G. pigs). I do not think gliders do this but could be wrong. To neuter a glider you can cut into the pouch and take the testicals and leave the pouch, or you can remove the pouch and the testicles, that are inside. The genitalia is then located behind the scrotum under the gliders tail. Gliders seem to be backwards from most male mammals. The genitalia is located behind the scrotum, rather than in front of it. Hope this makes sense. Catriona
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