Subject: Re: Taking my Glider to skool? Posted by Mary (beck) on August 10, 2000 at 14:44:43 from In Reply to: Taking my Glider to skool? posted by Heather, Syd, and Lil' Minkis on August 09, 2000 at 22:37:27:
You should carry your glider around all day at home for a minimum of 2 weeks before taking them outside the home. The second you get home start wearing your glider. If the glider comes out at all durring those 2 weeks then your glider is not ready. If your glider gets away from you at school it could mean death to your glider, or you may never get them back. What type of school do you go to? High school? You could get in serious trouble for taking an animal to high school if you don't have permission. I do take my glider with me to my college classes, but obviously I have breaks between classes, and most of my teachers knew about my glider and had no problems with it. Gliders do need some food and water durring the day so if you go to a high school would you be able to do this? Also they get out to go to the bathroom sometimes. You really need to think of what could happen, and is it worth it to you. A glider can still bond to you if you don't take it to school, just wear it around as often as you can, and offer it plenty of licky treats in the pouch.
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