
Subject: Re: Gliders and Other Rodents..
Posted by Mary (beck) on August 10, 2000 at 15:30:20 from

In Reply to: Gliders and Other Rodents.. posted by Cindynzia on August 07, 2000 at 14:53:58:

My glider is very territorial...He lunges at the side of the cage making this awful noise when other anumals enter the room. Throughte bars of the cage he has tried to attack a cat, a dog, 2 ferrets, and another male glider. I deffinitly do not believe in allowing gliders out in the same room as any other animal. I know if I did my glider would attack a rabbit. I don't know if either would get hurt but I wouldn't risk it. If you wnat another animal they will have to be housed and played with in different rooms. If they are in different rooms then it doesn't really matter if they get along or not.

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