Message: In Reply to: Help Me ... I want a sugar glider posted by Ashley on August 18, 1998 at 21:29:49: : Please help me !!!! : : Ashley, take the time to read the archives on this board. If that sounds like it will take too much time or might be too hard then please for your sake and the sake of gliders don't get one. Gliders are a big responcability and a long term commitment. They live up to 15 years and require long periods of play time at night (late) and must have fresh food and water daily. They are sensitive to changes in weather and need to have the cage cleaned at least weekly. Read all that you can about gliders and be prepared to pay at least $300.00 for a glider, cage, toys, dishes,books. This doesn't include vet fee, which brings me to another question. Have you called the vets in your area about if they work with gliders? If not you amy have to take into concideration the possability of driving to a vet that does and what if it was an emergency? would you get there in time? I'm not saying that you shouldn't get a glider that's your call. You asked and I answer, maybe more than you anticipated but it's better to be fore warned thaen stuck with someting you don't want and an unhappy baby that would suffer too! Glider love and nibbles, Diana
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