Subject: Re: EVERYONE PLEASE READ .. I am tired..
Posted by angel on August 18, 1998 at 22:36:25:
In Reply to: EVERYONE PLEASE READ .. I am tired.. posted by Bourbon on August 18, 1998 at 09:32:29:
: I can not stress this enough for all those that are looking for info on gliders, We all love to help people here. The importance of researching which includes not only the basic care but the information that the experience of other glider owners possess as well is invaluable. This goes for ALL ADULTS as well as TEENS. There are many things that need to be considered for both. each generation has it's own considerations to take into account. Nothing sickens me more than to have someone who gets a glider because they are cute and sweet and when they get it , they find out it requires a lot of hard work, dedication and many sacrifices. The I wants many times put the glider at risk for being neglected and abused and many times dead. To read all the time pof how needless deaths could have been avoided if someone had only went back and read ALL that they could find. Aquariums used as cages and sealed pouches in 90 degree heat, not air circulation. how about the ones that a while back used to let their gliders have free run in their room with no supervision, only to find them dead for no apparant reason. the ones that lose gliders and have no idea as to why and then go out and get another only to have it happen again. The ones that throw their gliders through windows to friends below to watch it glide only to have it hit the ground with a thud. I am sick. I can push and push for research but it is the responsibility of everyone on the board to help yet another glider from finding it's stupid demise that could have been avoided. Do I care.??? Yes I do you think that won't happen to me. But then a panicky day arrives.. boom .. It will hit like a ton of rocks.. and yet another name will stop posting.. Read back how many people have had their gliders for over a year? The percentages are very low. Too many people find their loving \sweet glider is too much of a hassle, I don't have time for it anymore, I am tired of it, it just isn't wanted.. STOP the insanity. If it looks as if we don't want others to have gliders, maybe it is because we are so tired of the 1 out of 50 that actually keep theirs. or the 1 out of 100 that actually survive. not actuall figures, but who could get real figures. If you accidently kill your glider by doing something stupid you probably won't tell anyone you would just disappear from the base. EVERYONE needs to wake up and do what they can to stress the importance. I wish I had a house I could give to my gliders but there is so much that could happen..
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