
Subject: Re: Bonding-Slwoly but surely
Posted by W on August 19, 1998 at 09:30:31:

In Reply to: Bonding-Slwoly but surely posted by Sugarglider3 on August 19, 1998 at 08:47:35:

Good for you that you are taking time to bond well with your
glider-be patient and let him do things as he feels comfortable.

Your glider will not bond with you completely in three days, but you
will see improvements. It takes quite ahwile for gliders to bond completely
with their owners, and when you think you have finally bonded fully, a few weeks
will go by and you'll be even closer. Its pretty cool!

I've had one of my gliders over a year and she's always been a sweet baby and
very friendly, but in the past couple of months she seems even more lovey and
interested in me than ever before-I thinks she's reaching maturity finally.

So anyway, my point is, you can't rush bonding, you can help it along by being gentle
and friendly, but bonding will go on for several months and you'll just continue to
see more and more improvement!

Have fun with it.

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