Message: In Reply to: Tofu help, funny story, updates.... posted by Dina on September 09, 1998 at 19:08:34: She loves you fine.. she fell to you because she trusts you and your were a safe spot for her.. please don't beat yourself up with this, it is normal glider behavior, they want to play at night.. the best thing you can do is let her play and be there in case she gets into trouble.. As close as Baybe and I are she still likes to play, and believe me I am not a priority.. but then she does other things that is soo sweet.. I accept her idiosyncroties just because in my heart I know she loves and trusts me.. Look at brizzo.. tell me where he feels the safest to sleep during the day and who he wants to be with during the day? The day time now.. when he is the most vulnarable?? you have to accept that this is his nature..Do that and trust his love for you and you will grow to love that part of him too..Good luck..
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