Message: Allow those who try to help be trashed here on this board. I don't think that Bourbon has ever TRASHED anyone on this board. She has even upheld the glider teens here and now she is being trashed by the husband of one who reads this board? Again i would ask why if this person,"Kellie" , has been a breeder of gliders, why not snswer the Q's yourself? Why trash those who do? If you are the hubby of a glider owner then let her speak for herself, please don't impose your impressions on us here if you havn't even been involved here. Until you are ready to reveal who you really are then just back down and let us be. When you are ready to be a real person and give us your e-mail addy at the top of your post as well and a real name a nd reason to post, just leave be. I was stated as being a nice GIRL to answer posts but what you BOTH don't know is that I'm 35 and no longer a girl. If this rocks your world, too bad but Bourbon and I are friends and I won't stand by and let someone who only seeks to help be trashed. Glider love and nibbles, Diana
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