Subject: Re: Introducing 2 gliders in neutral territory
Posted by W on September 23, 1998 at 10:17:10:
In Reply to: Introducing 2 gliders in neutral territory posted by Anne on September 22, 1998 at 18:01:22:
I had the same situation with my 2 gliders (introducing a new baby to a 2 year old). I wouldn't put them in the same cage overnight just yet. You should let them get to know eachother better before they have to spend too much time together. Put their cages side by side for a few days so they can see, hear, and smell eachother. Let them romp around together supervised some more. Putting them in a brand new cage plus having a new cage mate might be way too stressful for them all in one night. My gliders didn't have a problem co-habitating in the same cage, but it did take several days of them getting to know eachother while they were still in their separate cages and their territory didn't feel threatened. I knew my gliders were ready to be together finally when they barked all night at eachother and strained to be closer to the other so they could snuggle. Good luck, you shouldn't have too much trouble, but take it slow to be safe.
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