Subject: wodent what???!!!
Posted by nanna on November 23, 1998 at 06:08:22:
first a big thanks to those that answered my first message i was beginning to despair about ever talking to an experienced glider owner before finding this page. now what is the wodent wheel? i was reading some old messages posted here and this wheel came up. is there anyplace i can see via computer (i am in a land far far away, and if it isn't made for rodents, birds, or fish it probably isn't sold)i have been looking through all kinds of product sites for it. i am truly interested, you see i love getting/making toys for my glider. there is a hamster wheel in his cage, but the excitement of jumping on top of jumping on top of it to spin down soon wore off. well i hope someone out there can help. with gratitude, nanna beta.
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