
Subject: Bourbon - RU THERE?
Posted by Kifkaf on November 24, 1998 at 20:34:25:

Hi Bourbon -

I suppose you're away for the holidays, but when you get back, I need to get the USDA e-mail address from you again - I called Animal Control about the pet store and got little or no help. The guy I spoke to was obviously in a hurry and couldn't be bothered - he said he'd check things out, but somehow, I don't believe him. I called DNR and found out that gliders were legalized here in MD on July 3rd, but as far as pet stores, she said it was Animal Control's Department, but I could try USDA. I have a phone number and I'm going to call it tomorrow, but I wanted to try e-mail also in case I get the same "can't be bothered" attitude. I'm almost at the end of my rope - HELP!!!

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