Subject: Re: air planes..
Posted by Pamala on November 25, 1998 at 23:44:52:
In Reply to: Re: air planes.. posted by Pamala on November 25, 1998 at 23:41:22:
: : : Have you considered the air pressure? I know there are people who have flown with their gliders, but if my ears pop from the pressure , can you imagine what it would do to the gliders? Just another angle to consider. I must say that my BIGGEST concern was the air pressure,and what it would do to him. Then I found out that breeders send gliders via plane to other destinations, so I figured it couldn't be all too bad for him. He was great on the plane, but I did notice that during take-off and landing, he was more active than during the rest of the flight. It was during that time that I felt the need to pop my ears, so I am assuming that is what he was up to. He is perfectly fine since the flight this morning. I even looked inside his ears to make sure he was ok. Thank you for you concern anyway.
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