
Subject: Re: still working on bonding
Posted by Jane on November 28, 1998 at 11:13:53:

In Reply to: still working on bonding posted by dominic on November 27, 1998 at 18:37:04:

Dominic, when they bite you DO NOT pull away. These creatures ae very bright. At the moment they havent learnt to trust you. They are still scared and try to bite to get you to go away. If they bite and you go away they will remember taht and bite again. There are two schools of thought here. 1- give them time and let them learn to trust you slowly.
2 pick them up while they are sleepy and gently but firmly make them iinteract with you by stroking themn and talking to them. They will probably bite and scream like hell. that is the sign of an untamed scared glider. but I have found that gentle but constant handling of them has lead them to trust me. Of course brute bribery with mealworms and other things doesnt hurt. Yes they draw blood, yes it hurts like you dont believe but I find a steep taming curve.
This is just my method and as I stated before just my opinion. (oh and i never leave my email address as I get too much glider email without email from here)
: well i'm still working on bonding to my babies.....i took one out to play the other day and she just walked around the room exploring..the other wouldn't move fromt he corner of the cage..i tried to pick up the one still in the cage..but she didn't want to go and gave me a good nip....both still like to bite,,,have tried huney on my fingures but one wont come near me the other one with lick my fingures....then still start biting trying to get more of the sweet stuff.......they will let me pet them sometimes..but most of the time they just run away, or try nipping some more..any suggestions is appreitiated. thanx.
: dom

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