
Subject: Re: it's a boy
Posted by Elwin Bullard on November 28, 1998 at 14:39:07:

In Reply to: it's a boy posted by tara strom on November 28, 1998 at 02:48:49:

: I purchased a male and female sugar glider. They are not that tame but do let me play and hold them. The mother recently had one baby boy glider. He is now weaned. I plan on keeping the baby but I am unsure if I should separate the baby from the parents in his own cage or if I should allow him to remain with hid parents? If he is secluded will he be too lonely or if he stays with the parents will this cause problems with the pair? Please help! Thanks!

Motzel Tov!!

In the wild the boy could become part of the family group if
the mix of sexes was right. He may try to breed with mom when
he gets older but that is the only problem I know of. We have two
boys who have been great helpers to mom and dad with the
newest set of babies.

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