
Subject: Re: More ?'s, & Tiffany
Posted by nanna on December 03, 1998 at 05:08:08:

In Reply to: More ?'s, & Tiffany posted by Ashjan on December 02, 1998 at 22:28:48:

: What is glider-ade and how can I get to and Tiffany why couldn't I get to your chat channel I have Aol.
: Ok, what about nail clipping my 3.75 month old male has very sharp claws suggestions? He also loves to nibble my fingers he holds then tight and nibbles usually it doesn't hurt but today he bit into the quick of one finger ouch! is this normal? Is it normal for males to make the chirps? Mine does when I give him his treat or leadbeaters. Ok enough. nibbles. Ashjan.

i can't help you with the glider aid or brisky's question, but cynthia seems to have answered well. the nibbling and noises.....well i have a male glider that is a little over a year, and to this day he has not found a toy as fun as my hands. it took a little patience for him to learn the limits, but gliders are smart and just being consistant in your discipline works real fast.
now my glider knows exactly how far he can go, and it is alot of fun to mock wrestle with him. often enough he wants a little skirmish, and then he just wants me to scratch around the ears and underbelly.....then repeat: skirmish-scratch, skirmish-scratch ect... =)
my glider also has a surprising vocabulary. when he is happy and enjoying himself he frequently chirps and bubbles. when he is annoyed he hiss/sneezes at me, or what ever it was that annoyed him. then sometimes he will also bark, he'll stop sure enough if i come and stroke his belly a bit, or even if i just say hi to him.
all in all i have come to call all this normal, and will continue until i find out otherwise.
good luck, your glider sounds like a sweety.
nanna beta.

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