
Subject: Re: Question about colds and flus
Posted by Betsycc on December 04, 1998 at 17:08:25:

In Reply to: Re: Answers another question posted by ted on November 30, 1998 at 08:25:03:

: I've been wondering what the average body temp of a glider is. A higher temp would help make them more resistant to human contagions (ie. dogs @ 101 degrees) but a lower temp might make them more susceptable (ie. most reps). Does any one else know of a cold/etc. transfered to a glider?

I have had gliders for two years and never tranfered a cold of flu to any of them(knock on wood). I have a vicious flu as I type this. I always wash my hands before preparing food dishes and before giving treats. I do not take them out if I am hacking or extremely snotty.
I, too, am interested in the results of this question. I am hoping the glider caught an upper respritory infection from sleeping in a drafty room. Or possibly that lowered it's resistance?

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