
Subject: Glider Enchantment
Posted by JessRoo on December 04, 1998 at 17:10:53:

At school, I recently wrote a poem about Roo, and my English teacher loved it! She asked if I could bring the real thing in, so of course I said sure. So, today I got my mom to bring Roo into afternoon homeroom. Everybody said HI and my English teacher was like, oh my gosh, that is the prettiest little creature i have ever seen and it has the best temperament! Roo willingly sat it Miss.J's hands and stared at her, and I was praying she wouldn't climb onto her head or pee on her, and she didnt! She was SOOO good! My teacher said that really made her day to have a little creature be so friendly and loveable, like a dog or a cat. I think Roo touched some people that day and left them in awe that there really is a creature out there which is small like a rodent, loveable like a puppy, loves to be held, and playful like a pup. They really have great personalities, its amazing. Just thought I would share this story with you guys!
Jess & Roo

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