Message: In Reply to: Re: Sudden Change....Q posted by JessRoo on December 05, 1998 at 05:51:18:
I don't know a lot about this, but I do know that my breeder told me not to let anyone else touch her at all for the first week or so, because they bond partly by scent. So I think your guess about you and your dad might be right. It's also really interesting that Eos will usually be much more friendly to females than males (except my husband - she's bonded to him, too). I wonder if that might be a difference in scent. : Well, if I grab Roo too suddenly out of her cage, then sometimes she will nip and hold on for like 5 seconds, but it doesnt hurt. When she was a baby and we just got her, if anyone but my dad or I went near her, she would get up on her hind legs and crab and hold a boxing stance. So I really woulnt know. I was wondering, when we went to get Roo from the breeders', only my dad and I went. Kelly (Kkritters) is where we got her. Well, I held her for a while, and my dad did too. Did she know at that moment, at that car ride that we were the ones that would take care of her, because she loves my dad and I, and doesnt trust anyone to hold her, except if I am right there watching. Well, gtg.
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