
Subject: Re: Some important food questions
Posted by Melissa's Onyx on December 05, 1998 at 20:32:14:

In Reply to: Some important food questions posted by JessRoo on December 04, 1998 at 21:20:21:

: Roo has a lot of fruit lately, and she wont eat veggies. She hates carrots and celery, and everything. The only veggies she will dare to eat are lettuce (which has no nutritional value...yes I know), and tomatoes. What other veggies can I give her? Also, she hates peanuts, she wont go near them, is this odd? I am glad tho, becasue I wont need to worry about her getting overweight from them. One more thing, Bugs. When she was a baby we got some crickets (live) from the petstore she was afraid of them. Do you think she will like them now? Should I try mealworms? I want to see her "switch modes" as they say, and "hunt" her prey through our living room. Well, any tips would be great. OH YEAH, 1 more question (this is the last!), does anyone have any hints on how to get food to stay fresh longer, especially fruits. I dont cut them all into blocks and everything, I take an apple and cut a slice out each night (same with everything else), so that the rest will stay under the peel and stay fresh. Is there anything you can put on fruit to keep it from turning brown and moldy?
: Luv,
: JessRoo

When I was little my mom used to sprinkle some lemon juice on the apples in my lunch so they would stay fresh and not turn brown. I don't really remember if I could tell the difference in the way it tasted or not. Just a thought.

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