
Subject: Bonding
Posted by Chreyl on December 05, 1998 at 20:46:15:

Hiya all!!!

I have two Gliders (Taz and Jabber) they are about a month and a half old. I'm not sure that they are bonding very well. They seem to bond more to themselves then to me and Craig. One, Jabber, does ok if you seperate him from Taz. He goes to his pouch when you show it to him, but won't come to my hand yet. Taz, will go to his pouch if Jabber is not there but he would rather stay in the box with Jabber. If we take Taz out he seems to miss his brother and wants to find him. Should we seperate the two or spend more time with Taz without Jabber around? I don't want to creat any stress for Taz, but I would like him to bond to us too.


Cher, Craig, Taz and Jabber!!!

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