
Subject: Your welcome and more info on gliderade..
Posted by Clara on December 07, 1998 at 15:22:19:

In Reply to: Clara and Cynthia posted by Tara on December 07, 1998 at 12:17:29:

I am glad you found my page helpful. Try the jar and the fly strip at the same time, you will get better results.
I would like to add some info on gliderade:
Gliderade is a modified version of Lory Nectar. Lories are a type of bird that eats nectar and pollen from eucalyptus flowers just like sugar gliders do. Gliderade is meant to simulate the nectar they would eat in the wild. It is vitamin/mineral enriched but it is not a vitamin/mineral supplement so you can feed it to them daily. They will still need a vitamin/mineral supplement once a week such as Chapparal Zoological Vitamins (Glide-a-mins, Glider Booster) and/or a calcium supplement such as Rep Cal.

Sugar Gliders & Exotic Pets
Sugar Glider & Exotic Pet Supplies

: Much thanks to both of you for suggestions on the fruit fly problem. I will try both methods and see which one works best. I will keep you posted on the outcome. Also, thankyou Cynthia for your information on the gliderade and Clara I received a lot of info about feeding gliders when I visited your web page. Thankyou both not only from me but from Roxy, Rudy, and Smokey!

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