Message: In Reply to: Introducing gliders...NOT WORKING! Help! posted by Erin on December 08, 1998 at 11:33:04:
I had a slightly similar situation where i was adding a female to two others. the female would hiss and squawk but wasnt biting but definitely trying to get away. I kept introducing them in a neutral teritory and also during the day when they were sleepy. I would shelter the new one and the otehrs would be allowed to smell a little and if there was any probnlems i would separate them. thi sworked but only after ten or so days. Try adding a strange scent, perfume, or food additives to mask scent. try holding your male and allowing your female to explore him so she feels in control. If you are brave sone time I put a pair in a pouch and then played with them during the day. Waking them up i was the bad perosn who they then both chattered at rather than at each other. : Any suggestions? I was hoping they'd be getting along before the holidays since I'm leaving to visit my parents and wanted them to have each other for company. : I basically want to know if I'm seperating them too soon, or if I should leave them together for a bit and see if Wink calms down after a hissing fit. Should I just put her in his cage for a few hours...? Anyone have any stories to share? Thanks for any help!
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