
Subject: Re: bloody mess
Posted by tammy on December 08, 1998 at 15:38:13:

In Reply to: bloody mess posted by Holly on December 08, 1998 at 09:48:43:

: My male has become very aggressive ever since I broke up a very bad fight between him and the female. They were fighting so bad, I had to get up at 4am and seperate them. That night he bite me so hard he drew blood. This never happened before. Now whenever I put my hand in the cage he bites very hard, drawing blood and not releasing. He now bites me out of the cage. He bite me so hard this morning I couldn't stop the bleeding. I don't want to get rid of him, but I will not tolerate this behavior. I'm wondering if it is just me he has decided to hate, and if he would be better of living with someone else? If I do seperate them, how will the female handle it?

I was very interested to read that I am not the only one with an overly aggressive male. He and his mate have (lately) been having
battles in the pouch that would wake the dead. She fusses like a crazy woman at him. I'd sure like to know what's going on in there,
but they stop when I open the cage. Although my male hasnt attacked me for breaking up an arguement (yet), I am now aware this
could occur and will be more careful about getting in the middle of a domestic dispute.

I also agree that neutering sounds like it might help. It certainly wouldnt hurt, especially if you werent interested in breeding

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