
Subject: Re: Picky eater
Posted by Jen on December 08, 1998 at 17:44:02:

In Reply to: Re: Picky eater posted by Maria on December 05, 1998 at 05:28:01:

My sugar glider was the same way, every week I try to pick different fruits, he has some of his favorite every other week or so, but I find he will get hungry enough to eat what is in his dish, no matter what. Try Tofu in place of cheest, I put a little honey on it to add flavor and he eats it all everytime.

: Keep offering a variety of foods, sometimes what a glider won't eat one day, he will love the next. I only give my gliders corn once a week. Also, peanuts are very high in fat, so don't give them too often. My diet is as follows:

: Mazuri Omnivore feed (dry and always available) - it is supposed to be a complete feed but I give fresh fruits or vegetables every day.
: Fresh fruit (depends what is in season), I will usually give only 1 or 2 types of fruit per day.
: Frozen mixed vegetables once or twice a week (if given more often, the gliders just pick out their favorite vegie and won't eat the rest)
: Low fat, all natural fruit flavored yogurt once or twice a week.
: Eggs - hard boiled with shells on or scrambled with shells in
: Meal worms (sometimes crickets)
: Small mice (not live)
: Canned mackeral (has some bones for calcium)

: I have found that for some of the pickier gliders, if I mix the yogurt with the vegetables they will eat more. I haven't fed my gliders shrimp or crab mainly due to cost. I have also read that cheese isn't good for them so I don't use it. Since your glider eats corn first, you may want to limit it to once a week just to be sure he is eating enough other nutritious food. I know it is his favorite, but my 4 year old daughter's favorite food is candy. Just because he likes it, doesn't make it good.

: Maria

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