
Subject: Re: bottle feeding a sugar glider??
Posted by Cynthia on December 08, 1998 at 22:21:17:

In Reply to: bottle feeding a sugar glider?? posted by sugarbaby on December 08, 1998 at 15:43:55:

: I just got my male glider two weeks ago. He is 5 months old (approx. dob) The lady I bought him from showed me how to bottle feed him with a small kitten bottle with isomil soy formula. She said I should nurse him for 6 months. I have read quite a bit about gliders and nowhere have I read anything about this. I offer small amounts of fruit and yogurt at night, but during the day he drinks about 2 TBS. of formula. Is this ok? Should I continue nursing?

Most glider ages are judged from their oop date not their birth date, but lets say this is the birth date and then the glider was in pouch for two and a half months, that would be 10 weeks. Then after it came oop it would have had to have been oop another 2 and a half months for it to be 5 months old. It should have been weaned some time ago. Most are weaned by the time that they are 6 to 8 weeks oop. Is he eating the foods that you give him at night? Have you tried offering him some nectar in a dish at night? I would avoid the yogurt as dairy products have been linked to the development of cataracts in gliders. Wishing you both the best!!

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