
Subject: Re: Sugar Glider Odor
Posted by Clara on December 08, 1998 at 23:59:48:

In Reply to: Sugar Glider Odor posted by Eric on December 08, 1998 at 19:48:29:

Do you have a male glider? Does it smell a bit like old coffee? (I noticed that a coffee mug left sitting for a while after finishing smells exactly like sugar glider!) If so, this is probably just scent marking/urine odor. Usually, neutering males helps reduce the odor.
Also, you might want to try sniffing around in his cage to see if something in there smells particularly bad. Wood absorbs urine and can lead to unusually stinky cages.
How often are you cleaning his cage? Cleaning too often can result in the sugar glider scent marking even more.

Sugar Gliders & Exotic Pets

: I have a sugar glider that has a distinctive odor. It has a very strange smell and we have no clue on how to to get rid of it. If anyone has a result to clearing the odor please let me know.
: Thanks

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