Message: In Reply to: new pets, need answers posted by Ronda Larson on December 08, 1998 at 23:32:48: Any way the 4 of them, cage and goodies for $300.00 large cage, 3 1/2 by 3 1/2 by 2 ft. You might want to consider making them a larger cage if you can. I built one 4' wide by 2.5' deep by 5' high. for my three, with a high shelf for their nest box and food dish. climbing branches, an 11" Wodent Wheel (very important), and a fresh eucalyptus branch every two weeks.
You might want to try boiled or broiled chicken or turkey. (mine love it). Gliderade and rep-cal D3 are important supplements every few days. Mine love live crickets (if you want to go to the trouble). Gerber baby foods such as turkey, yams, squash, etc. Watch out for onion powder. I hear that Gerber baby cereal is good, I haven't tried it yet. Lay out of the cage is clear plastic siding on 2 sides and back, top and front door is wire, in cage is branches from apple trees, cotton wood and lilac. My only concern is that there is enough ventilation. Also, if you do decide to build one with a plastic covered 1/2" by 1" mesh, mine to a LOT of climbing on the cage itself. A large nylon rope, and their nest box. I have this sitting up high on a bookshelf. For those experienced out there will this work for them? ok next set of questions, can all 4 of them live together. My goal is to find someone to trade babies with, but if not possible can they all stay together as one big happy family? They can all live together if you neuter at least all but one male. Unless you are prepared to deal with a lot more complications involved with breeding, I suggest you neuter all the males. The males will be more mellow. Next-- Mom is ok with being held, doesn't stay long with me, but doesn't bite and hiss and scream, Dad on the other hand does all the above, should I gently force him into being held? Forcing him won't help. Try treats and slow gentle petting. Also, my male will follow his mate onto my arm, so keep working on her...he'll come around eventually. Next--- will they only breed when they are ready, do I have to worry about over breeding? They can produce twins every four to five months. Our family is such a novice with gliders, any information would be greatly appreciated. It is easier for me if you email me Thank you
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