
Subject: Another Birth
Posted by glidergal on December 13, 1998 at 00:06:29:

My vet is out of town until Monday, and the pet stores aren't very well informed on this one. My female gave birth today to 2 more babies. (I got to see it, it was amazing!) The problem is she still has 2 babies (both male) that are not completely weened. The older pair are out of the pouch with eyes open and are just now nibbling on some fruit that mom and dad have been bringing to them. They have still been nursing though, and have not ventured out of the nest by themselves as of yet. I have separated the female, the male, and the babies for now, but here is my dilemma: Should they stay with mom? Will they harm the newborns when they try to nurse, or will mom handle that? Should they stay with dad? Will he feed them fruit and such? Or shoud I keep them from both parents and hand feed them? I have not seen them eat any other food on their own accept fruit. Nor have they drank any water yet. They have been out of the pouch for approx 3 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated!

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