Subject: engorged?
Posted by Brooke on December 17, 1998 at 12:59:42:
HI, I have a female SG that I just pulled babies from. She is really very timid so since the babies came oop she kind of stays in the nest alot. Anyway, about a week before I weaned the babies, I noticed that her pouch looked a little big, and I wondered if it could be babies. I kindof just forgot about it because to be honest, I have not seen them mating at all and so I thought that her being pregnant was pretty unlikely. The night after I pulled the babies She was jumping around the cage (probabley trying to get to the babies cage) and I noticed that her pouch was ALOT bigger. It looks like she has babies again. I tried to get a good look but like I said she is not the tamest so it was really difficult getting her to hold still long enough to get a good look. I was wondering if she could just be engorged with breast milk because of the babies not nursing? Is there any easy way to tell if this is milk or babies? I was thinking that if someone has had their gliders engorged before maybe I could find out how long it lasted and then I could tell when it would go down if it was milk. ANy help much appreciated! Brooke.
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