
Subject: Re: weak Baby
Posted by WEAK Baby much better on December 18, 1998 at 08:54:28:

In Reply to: Re: weak Baby posted by Cynthia on December 16, 1998 at 17:47:15:

We gave him the pedialyte. We mixed it with blended fruit. He is much better he is going the the bathroom regularly and its normal He is playing and his eyes are much brighter. The only bad part is that its scared my friend so bad that now she is wanting to sell him. I have to admit I'm getting really attached but I already have 3 so I don't know if I should keep him I just wanted to let everyone know that Abraham is getting stronger: : I found the Gliderade it will be here in 4 days but now he has diarrhea and all he wants to eat is peanuts help!!

: For diarrhea give 1/2 pedialyte and 1/2 water to keep hydrated, take your baby to a vet ASAP, dehydration and hypoglycemia can be fatal.

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