
Subject: Thought this might be funny for y'all...
Posted by Twinklebelle on December 20, 1998 at 00:56:39:

This was scary at the time, but it is funny now that I look back on it...I was flying out to LA to visit my friend and naturally I had my gliders on me (in thier secret hiding bra) and my gal was getting restless. So I found a spare second and snuck her out and held her in my hands and stroked her to calm her down. This usually helps. So as I was doing this I began to doze myself. I was sitting on Southwest Airlines is the seats where they face each there are 6 seats facing each other. Well all of a sudden I woke up and realized that my hands were empty and I felt a little motion on my neck. I reached up and grabbed my girl off of my neck. I was REALLY alarmed at the potential disaster that aould have happened. But the big guy sitting across from me looked and laughed and said how funny it was that all of a sudden he sees this little head poke out of my hands and then this fuzzy THING crawl up my shirt. I had to laugh at how funny that would look to an unsuspecting stranger. Of course I learned my lesson and this will never be an issue again, but the thought of that sight was funny to me. They were all excited to officially meet the fuzzy "thing". Just a humorous lectures please...thanks...:)

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