
Subject: Re: Puffy Cheek?
Posted by Cynthia on December 20, 1998 at 10:12:16:

In Reply to: Re: Puffy Cheek? posted by Chris on December 19, 1998 at 23:29:33:

My glider has a slightly swollen right cheek and her chin also seems a bit swollen.

: This seems to have happened literally overnight. She doesn't seem to be in pain. Her "attitude" and temperment seems very normal. In handling her when we first noticed the puffiness, she's as sweet as ever and does not seem to be bothered at all when I touch her cheek or her chin. She's eating normally and is as active as ever.

: Chris

Okay this still sounds like an abscess and not what is known as lumpy jaw, though it still could be. I have not seen her and am not a vet. When Roseanne had her abscess she did not act like she was in pain either, even when we examined the area. However I nearly lost her to the infection and I took her to the vet before the swelling was evident to anyone but me. Don't take chances with her health, take her to a vet. and best of luck to you both.

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