
Subject: Re: Vitamin D3 and sunlight
Posted by Betsycc on December 20, 1998 at 21:43:59:

In Reply to: Vitamin D3 and sunlight posted by Tiffany on December 20, 1998 at 20:30:27:

: When I took E to the vet, he said I shouldn't give her D3, but should let her get sunlight for a minute or two a day. He said that d3 can be toxic if too much accumulates. I had been giving her 1 drop of Moon Drops per week. I am concerned about her getting hind leg paralysis if she can't absorb the calcium - is exposure to sunlight through my shirt enough for her? (I don't want to damage her sight.) This vet says he works with gliders a lot (3 or 4 a day) and he is an exotic animal specialist, but this is contrary to other info I have. What's the consensus?
: Thanks,
: Tiffany

I disagree with your vet. RepCal has D3 added. I use it in my leadbeaters. I have had gliders for almost 3 years now and not had a leg problem.
Sunlight is a no no to a gliders sensitive eyes. I used to have twins that would freeze when I turned an over head light on and not move until I turned it off. Like they were gargoyles or something.
Maybe you could ask your vet for references to other glider owners who he deals with? I mean if he sees 3-4 gliders a day - that equals LOTS of glider owners that you can consult with about your vet and glider questions -
Best of luck. Good question!

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