
Subject: Re-claimed Neutered Glider and cage available
Posted by Sherry on December 21, 1998 at 20:44:35:

I am reclaiming a glider I sold to a party about a year ago.
This person paid no attention to what he was told. He is
complaining because the glider is marking in his BR where the
cage is. DUH. I had him neutered before I sold it to him
but he claims he thought the glider would go back into his
cage to relieve himself. He the person is bi-polar and
when told something does the complete opposite. He also
stained and varnished the nest box when he was told not to.
I am paying him $220 for the cage and glider and need to find
a new home for him as soon as possible. Must be a MN or WI

Please reply to me personally not to the BB.

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