
Subject: Re: pellet feed
Posted by Cynthia on December 21, 1998 at 23:02:07:

In Reply to: pellet feed posted by Ronda on December 21, 1998 at 22:07:04:

: ok I know what the briskeys feed is what and where do you order the leadbeaders from. The idea of a pellet food is great. What is the general view of using baby food. Mine love it, I feed them chopped up fruits and vegies and do this nightly on a paper plate and poor the baby food on the plate too. Usually in the morning the baby food is all gone, they have one out that is kiwi,papaya and mango ? all mixed, they say all natural, is it natural enough to feed?

giggle giggle,,,not laughing at you just finding this humorous,,,forgive me,,,,you do not order ledbeaters you make it. A modified recipe is 1/2 cup apple juice, 1/2 cup honey, 1/2 cup high protein cereal, 1/2 cup wheat germ, 1/2 cup baby cereal, a boiled egg, crushed shell and all. Baby food is another way of providing protein for those who do not feed the accu-feed from BPP, so long as it is made without preservatives it should be safe. Since the accu-feed is nutritionally complete there is no need to feed anything else except for the occasional treat and no need to guess at supplements.

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