
Subject: Re: My female doesn't like her daughter any more
Posted by Cynthia on December 22, 1998 at 14:03:28:

In Reply to: My female doesn't like her daughter any more posted by Tammy on December 22, 1998 at 10:04:24:

: It seems my female glider Sugar, who has babies in the pouch, doesn't like her daughter, Sweetpea, from her last litter. I was hoping to be able to put Sweetpea in with Sugar and my male, Peewee, once the babies came out of the pouch and were older. I thought if i kept Sweetpea, (who is not Peewee's baby) that they would get along better then introducing a female that Sugar didn't know at all.
: Is Sugar all being this way because of the babies or is it possible that she doesn't want to share her man and is acually being protective of Peewee? I don't know what to do.

In the wild gliders live in colonies of 12 or more. These colonies have multiple males and females with one alpha male and one alpha female. Keep in mind however the territory that they inhabit. Much more space than a cage will allow. Plenty of room for a glider to get away from another glider with a mad on. Even in the wild females will fight females and the males will fight other males sometimes even to the death. You may be able to reintroduce Sweetpea after the joeys are weaned, but it is doubtful. You may have to resign yourself to the fact that they can not be caged together and that you may have to get her, her own mate/companion.

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