
Subject: exchangeing gliders/ long message
Posted by Ronda on December 23, 1998 at 09:56:10:

We bought a mom/dad & their 2 babies (got a steal, for $300.00 includes large cage) anyway babies appear to be male and female and have not been oop long. They very seldom come out of nest box and are still small, they are sweet and fun. Here is where the exchange part comes in. In a neiboring city I went into the pet shop and came across a cage with gliders, they have mom/dad and 3 babies and mom/dad is to be pg again. The pet store just got them in from someone who didn't want them anymore. Babies are huge, pet store asked if I knew how to sex, dad with baldspot was easy, babies were easy once I caught them. I could not physically tell babies from parents. They didn't know who out of the 5 were the parents other than the male because of bald spot, they didn't know that I told them. They have been on the net and have pages of material at the cage site, but no hands on experience.
REAL QUESTION, They want to trade on of my males with theirs so as they can get away from inbreeding, they know that 3 out of the 5 are females. I have a proven pair, but babies are m & f so sometime I need to think about removing them or something I am hooked on them and don't want to part with them, what is one to do? Thanks for your help.

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