
Subject: Re: Tell me more about runny noses please
Posted by Cynthia on December 23, 1998 at 13:56:53:

In Reply to: Tell me more about runny noses please posted by Summer on December 23, 1998 at 09:33:54:

: What about if a glider has a runny nose?

Take it to a vet. It is not usual for a glider to have a runny nose, a cold one maybe but not runny.

How do they get them

It is a sign of a nasal infection, or an allergic response to something, or an upper respiratory infection.

and if it is a problem hoe do you go about finding a vet.

This is something that should be done before you even get your pet. You wouldn't want to wake up at 2 AM with a pet emergency and have to find a vet at that time of night would you? Okay you should call the vets in your area and find the ones that treat exotics. Then ask if they have ever treated or had experience with sugar gliders. The only vet that I have locally that treats exotics had not treated a sugar glider so I began to educate him. I gave him a book on gliders and I printed out lots of health info from the net and took to him. I gave him phone numbers of vets around the country that will do phone consults about sugar gliders. You too may have to educate your vet. If you do please do it now before you need their help.

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