Subject: Re: Leadbeaters question
Posted by Karen on December 26, 1998 at 18:31:25:
In Reply to: Re: Leadbeaters question posted by Thresa on December 26, 1998 at 11:26:31:
: If you have gliderade, try mixing a little of that into the leadbeaters mix. I've found that if you stick to the very basic recipe, : 1/2 cup honey : 1/2 cup baby rice cereal (dry) : 1/2 cup apple juice : 1 boiled egg (with the shell) : a teaspoon of a good vitamin/mineral suppliment such as vionate : (no calcium suppliment due to having the egg shell in it) : we have much better luck getting them to dine on it than if we play with the recipe adding or substituting parts of it. : Once in a while I add diced steamed chicken for a change, they seem to really like it that way. And they like it even better when I use the broth from steaming on their mix. : They like it when I blend it with frozen corn too.The problem with the basic recipe is that she will not touch any jucie and will not touch honey. But I will try with every thing else. : : I have read many of the past posting on leadbeaters diet, : : the ingredents for the making of it. I have tried several : : versions that I have gotten from this board. The problem : : is that mama-g wont touch any of it. She does not like the : : different juices or the honey and if she even gets the smell : : of the vitamins etc. that are suggested to use in it she still : : does not touch it. Anyone have any other suggestions that I can try???? : : I sure would apprecite any help. I have been using cream : : corn as the base of the leadbeaters with very very little : : vitamins etc, rice with fruit bits, wheat germ, and the state : : 2 chicken. She will eat this but I feel that she is getting : : to much corn. I am also having problems getting her to eat : : veggies even when I limit her favorite foods. The same problem : : with fruits. I thought my kids were picky eaters but she : : has them beat by a long shot. I would appreciate any new : : ideas and I know mama-g would too. : : Merry Christmas to all gliders and their families (two and four : : legged)
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