Message: In Reply to: Can I, or can't I?? Does anyone know? posted by Stacy on December 24, 1998 at 11:53:00:
I was told that I can still handle my gliders, but I will need to make sure to thoroughly wash my hands after I handle them, because of possible salmonella poisoning. You don't want to pass it on, of course. As for the cleaning of the cage, it still is really unclear to me whether that is okay or not, so, I think my husband can do it for me :) : Hey everyone! I have a question for you. I found out earlier this week that I am going to have a baby! So, my question concerns my glider babies, can I or can I not clean out their cage? I know that I can't do litter boxes, because cats feces can do lots of harm to a pregnant lady's baby, is there anything that is in glider feces that would make my unborn child sick? If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks a lot! : Stacy
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