
Subject: Re: Biting Gliders... How do we get the word out?
Posted by Thresa on December 31, 1998 at 23:07:31:

In Reply to: Biting Gliders... How do we get the word out? posted by Larry Hardy on December 31, 1998 at 21:05:37:

Don't know about how to get the word out
without drawing more attention
to the fact sugar gliders EVEN EXIST.
It's a rare person who even knows what a sugar glider is
AND knows it can be a domesticated pet.
To tell "people" what terrors they can be
would draw attention to them,
thus leading people to discover them.
RIGHT??? Seems a vicious circle.
How in the world can we tell people the best choice
is not to buy them from pet stores
without alerting more people that they can find them
at pet stores. It's sad that someone might see
their first glider in a pet store.
What can we do, stand outside and picket?
You're right on about complaints from people being severely
bitten by gliders not properly socialized,
ones sold by people who don't educate
the buyer that are dealing with wild animals.
Although the young animals can be tamed,
they are bought with the assumption they ARE tame.
Taming is a process that takes time and much patience and
understanding of the glider's nature, not only when they're
very young but as they are maturing. A fully mature adult
glider that has not been socialized may never become tame.
It will be defensive and have the instinct to think it has
to fight for it's life. This animal will bite,
piercing its teeth to the bone of a person's finger.
It will also scratch with its razor sharp claws leaving deep
and bleeding gashes on a persons skin.
This animal will repeat this same behavior each time
it feels provoked, each time a person attempts to handle it.
It feels it must defend itself and really, that's the way
it's supposed to the wild.

: You know, i noticed that most of the complaints about biting gliders, nay, unfriendly gliders, come from those who purchase from pet shops. How do we get the word out to buy from breeders? I have had people visit me and my gliders and after the visit, never buy from a pet shop, but will wait until I have some little ones. I recommend that anyone interested visit a BREEDER rather than a PET SHOP. Let's get the word out!

: Soap box out...

: Larry

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