
Subject: GliderProofing....
Posted by Elwin Bullard on January 02, 1999 at 07:58:51:

I got a real adrenaline jumpstart this morning. As I was getting dressed I heard a noise
from the ceiling in the kitchen. Last winter we had a possum get into the attic so I went in
to make sure nothing was in the cupboards and realized the noise was coming from the
air vent. Since the vent system is more difficult to get into I opened the vent to look and
heard a glider noise.

I grabbed the electric screw driver and got the vent off to find Patsy, the more
adventurous of the twin girls, covered in soot. She was O.K. just a little shook up. She
immediately took off as she is also the twin who does not like to be handled. I had to run
wake mike up for some help to catch her, which we finally did. A quick head count to be
sure she was the only one who had used that escape route and a closed vent keeps them
out of trouble until after work today. When I get home I will make a wire mesh plug for
the vent tube.

Our vents are in the ceiling but we had made a rope high-way for the gliders in their
room. IT is about 1 1/2 feet from the vent at it closest approach and Patsy is still small
enough to have squeezed thru the slats. So this is a warning to folks with cloth or grass
paper on our walls: If your glider is small enough and can get close to a air vent they will
eventually get out.

I am just glad we had a happy ending.

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