Subject: New pair of gliders - great fun!
Posted by JO on January 02, 1999 at 21:39:08:
I just got a pair of breeder gliders for Christmas. After having read all the negative info on imports. I thought we really made a mistake. Actually Romeo and Juliet are becoming quite tame already. The first thing we did was give them a nice cage environment. The next thing that I did was start to hand feed them there dinner and temmpt them to come out. I also through a nice stinky sock in the cage with them. They seem to play with it during the night. I started leaving my hand in the cage. Of course we had a few bites, but fought really hard to ignore the nipes. After a while, they seemed to realize it had no affect and got used to our hands in the cage. Within a half a week, I could lightly stroke them. The glider's have been here a week. They have problems, takeing food from us (my son loves them)and sitting on our hands while they eat. Last night Romeo, climbed on to Robbie's hand and up his arm,and ran across his shoulder.. It was amazing how tame they already are. But what do we do next. I would love to let them out, They still seem to stay in their box alot...Also I wondered if there were signs that the female would show if she was ready to breed... They are a lot of fun..My kids are waiting for babies, they think they are next in line for a new pet...
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