
Subject: LOL ;) N/M
Posted by Tiffany on January 04, 1999 at 19:16:18:

In Reply to: Re: They're giving me a hard time at bathtime... posted by Susan on January 04, 1999 at 19:10:27:

: shucks, I was just joking.... if you didn't find that funny, you should hear some of my other jokes... they're just as bad, sorry.

: : : Any suggestions on how to have my Sugar Gliders enjoy they're bath a little more? Even adding bubbles didn't seem to please them. And don't even get me started about the teeth brushing episode!

: :
: : From what I've read bathing a glider is a lot like trying to bathe a cat. Also like the cat it is not recommended to bathe them. they are clean by nature and will take care of themselves.
: : Hope this helps, I've done a lot of reading, but I don't have but a weeks experience.

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