Message: In Reply to: Re: Changing they're play time posted by Jane on January 05, 1999 at 08:18:07: Jane - they sleep so soundly in the pouch with me during the day - I can reach in and stroke or whatever and they are dead to the world. I did worry about the quality of their sleep in there at first, but don't now. I move them at dinnertime for my sake (so I can get some stuff done without worrying about them) and for them to have sleep time in their cage. But the 11 p.m. rising schedule was already in place when I got them, before I started "pouching" them during the day. I understand I took on the responsibility of nocturnal pets when I bought them. I was just hoping to change their schedule by an hour or two and wondered how best to do it. I wondered if it was ok to try to do just that. I certainly don't want to mess them up, they are dear to me, but I really want to give them some good play time without sacrificing hours of sleep. I read in other places where people seemed to develop a regular play time, one guy said 7 p.m., then they went back to bed. Any other suggestions? : Have you considered that they might be unable to sleep deeply in the pouch therefore are only getting the short period until midnight for deep sleep? This would mean that you are trying to get them to play during their only sleep period. You could try turning on a light mid night (3-5am) and making them sleep then of course this is not an option if they sleep in the same room. Of course you also have to realise that gliders are nocturnal and by buying them we promised them implicitly that we would deal with that!
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