
Subject: Bath time
Posted by Bourbon on January 05, 1999 at 20:51:13:

In Reply to: having fun, bath & sleep posted by Ronda on January 05, 1999 at 10:10:42:

I was going to suggest the wash cloth thing too.. Oh well anyway if you feel you must bathe your glider you may want to try taking a warm DAMP wash cloth to it's fur, Gliders are very clean animals and as long as their pouch or nest box is cleaned peridically then there shouldn't be a need to bathe them, there are extenuating cicumstances but I haven't heard of any that the damp wash cloth couldn't take care of.. My Baybe got into a Dum Dum sucker and it stuck to her membrane, using a damp washcloth I was able to get it off rather nicely and without incident. Good luck..

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