Subject: Re: glideraid
Posted by one crazy gliding fool on January 06, 1999 at 11:14:16:
In Reply to: Re: glideraid posted by Melissa's Onyx on January 05, 1999 at 17:03:13:
Brisky's is made to be a complete diet for sugar gliders. Gliderade can be given if a female is pregnant, lactating, or if the gliders are under stess, if they are a weanling, etc. I have found that one of my gliders tends to get constipated from eating only accu-feed, but I just feed him a few raisins a day and that seems to do the trick. Too many vitamins can be dangerous, so you don't want to over compensate. Did you know that Brisky's also has a sugar glider vitamin suppliment? Just like the food, it is specially formulated for gliders. You sprinkle it onto their food if and when they could use a little extra in their diet. I hope that this answers some of your questions
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